
In my freshman year, my grades were average, and I never wanted to say that I could graduate from San Jose State University one semester early.

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Graduated from San Jose State University one semester early

After entering Feng Chia University, I found out that I was lacking in language and academic studies. I spent a lot of time studying and also sought help from my tutor to improve my grades.

When I arrived at San Jose State University in my third year, I was very difficult to study at first. I was not used to having to deal with everything by myself without my family. The schoolwork was more onerous and relatively complicated. I was anxious due to stress several times. But I gradually got used to the study method here. , To completely improve the pressure of study, in order to graduate from San Jose State University six months earlier.

I majored in business big data analysis double bachelor degree program, learning how to turn a large amount of data into various graphs, and explain the meaning behind the numbers; most of the time is processing data, and use the language programs I have learned to do data analysis , In order to understand the trend and direction of these materials.

As long as the credibility of the data is high, any data can be analyzed. For example, consumer behavior, we can use the number of clicks to purchase products, the type and frequency of purchases, and calculate what kind of advertisements to recommend to consumers to further stimulate consumption .



By|SJSU-FCU 2+2 Bachelor's Program in Business Analytics - Yang,Shao-Min
