
Feng Chia College of Business’ continued selection by Eduniversal over five consecutive years is a testament to enhancing educational quality and performance. The college has consistently demonstrated excellence in academic achievements, actively engaging in global exchanges and collaborations. Providing students with diverse learning opportunities, such as hackathons, subject competitions, and entrepreneur lectures. These activities aim to foster critical thinking, bolster competitiveness, and facilitate the effective application of knowledge to enrich students' professional acumen and global perspectives.

Additionally, the college introduced the pioneering "Corporate Sustainable Development ESG Program" in early 2023. This initiative attracted over 200 participants from various disciplines, aiming to nurture visionary leaders with an innovative mindset.

This consecutive five-year "Selected" title serves as a testament to its unwavering commitment and outstanding performance, while also affirming Feng Chia's dedication to internationalization and sustainable development education.
